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Welcome Lydia Place guests! The program has started.
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Free for all to attend!

Lydia Place invites you to a special evening filled with gratitude and holiday merriment as we recognize the local businesses and individuals who have gone above and beyond this year to support Lydia Place’s effort to end homelessness in our community.

Award Categories

A Creative Power Partner is a business that is united in our vision –a vision of compassionate community where every person has the opportunity to thrive, and works with us to provide services or funding that helps us continue to expand our reach and services to the families and individuals we serve.

A Community Champion is someone who promotes, supports, and believes that every family deserves a home and the opportunity to thrive. Someone who has gone above and beyond to advocate for clients, promote outreach and fundraising, or given the gift of volunteerism and made a huge impact on our ability to reach our goals this year.

A Housing Superhero is an individual or business that, like Lydia Place, believes housing is a basic human right. They go above and beyond to advocate for systemic change, and partner with us to ensure that our clients are served equitably and can access the housing resources they critically need. We simply couldn’t do this work without these Housing Heroes in our community.

The Heart of the Organization is awarded to an individual, group, or business that embodies the values of Lydia Place and went above and beyond to pursue our mission –to disrupt the cycle of homelessness and support sustained independence for current and future generations. Their impact on the organization will be forever remembered and we will be forever grateful for their partnership.


2020 Awardees
Creative Power Partnership Recipients Hemisphere Solutions, Veritas Media & Studio V, Dan Statema and Volunteers Center of Whatcom County

Community Champion Recipients Hempler's Foods Group, CTK Community Church and Puget Sound Energy Housing Superhero Recipients Makela Alem, Roxana Parise, Emily Humphry-Krigbaum, Carina Rivera, Ty Terrwyn and Louise Akers
Volunteer of the Year Jeffery Tom
Heart of the Organization  Wise Buys

Thank you to our

Housing Hero Monthly Contributors!

Jeanne Baker, Matthew Barrow, Lindsey Bear, David James Beaumier, Drew & Michael Betz, Brianna Brumbaugh, Michael and Mary Jane Brunt, Lisa N Chovil, Karen & Richard Clark, Jennifer Cool, Susan Costanzo, Sue Croft, Deb Currier, Shannon & Peter Day, Cayla Dickens, Michelle Dohm, Danielle Elder, Pamela Eileen Englett, Graham Essex, Rachel Garcia, Kaitlyn Gerard, Lynn Giuliani, Audrey Gravley and Bill McGinnis, Mindy and Alex Gravley, Alycia Hawkins, Roxanna Hayes, Lisa Heezen, Amy Johnson, Hank Kastner, Ann K Lackland, Tom Laughlin, Sonja Lee, Nancy Long, RoseMarie Longmire, Becky Ludwig, Erin Lynch, Lynda Hinton Real Estate Inc, Megan C McGinty, Kathleen McQuaide, Heather Michel, Patti K Morgan, Marilyn Moullen, Shenandoah Myrick, Tammie O'Dell, Traci Orr, Laura Ann Owens, Tierney Owens, Susan & Jeff Palmer, Deborah Parker, Kristen Parsons, Melanie S Pysden, Misty Kaye Rainwater, Natalie Ransom and Ryan Wimberly, Amanda Robins, Kathy and Marcus Rowe-Guthrie, Kathleen Smith, Jillene Snell, Delores Starcher, Pete Stelling, Sterling Rentals LLC, Ryan Thramer, Pepper Tipton, Jeffery Tom, Peter Turner, Shawna Unger, Trent John Vigor, Ruby Volker, Kerri Walker, Elizabeth Walukas.